Turhan: ‘We Have Made 16 Billion TL Investment for Transportation Infrastructure in the Last 600 Year

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Turhan: ‘We Have Made 16 Billion TL Investment for Transportation Infrastructure in the Last 600 Year

Halkalı- Kapıkule Railway Line Project Çerkezköy- The signing ceremony of Kapıkule Section Construction Contract was held at The Ankara Hotel within t

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Halkalı- Kapıkule Railway Line Project Çerkezköy- The signing ceremony of Kapıkule Section Construction Contract was held at The Ankara Hotel within the YHT Ankara Station with the participation of Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M.Cahit Turhan.

Signing ceremony: Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M. Cahit Turhan, Deputy Ministers. ğmer Fatih Sayan, Selim Dursun and Enver İskurt, the European Union Delegation to Turkey, President Ambassador Christian Berger, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Director General Erdem Poles, TCDD General Director Ali Ihsan appropriate, TCDD Transport Inc.. General Manager Erol Arıkan, Vice President of European Union Social and Economic Development Department Tibor Sztaricskai and contractor Kolin Construction Board members.

TURHAN: Yüksek High Standard Railway Connection with European Countries will be attained ”

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M.Cahit Turhan, Halkalı- Load carrying capacity of Kapıkule Railway Line, Çerkezköy-Kapıkule section will increase significantly with the construction of the European Union (EU) 275 million grants will be used for the completion of the project will be used in high-quality rail connection with European countries reported.

Stating that they have invested approximately 16 billion pounds in the last 600 year in order to improve transport infrastructures, expand these networks and complete the missing connections on international transport routes, Turhan stated that they were not limited to public resources in this process and that they have signed giant projects effectively by using build-operate-transfer mechanism. brought.

Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line and Ankara-Istanbul High Speed ​​Line Köseköy-Gebze section, Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line and Samsun-Kalın Railway Line as well as public grants, adding that the EU grants Turhan, anlat We will sign Halkalı-Kıkıkule Railway Line Çerkezköy-The load carrying capacity of the line will increase significantly with Kapıkule cutting. We will use an EU grant 275 million euros for the construction of this segment. Upon completion, we will have a high standard rail connection with European countries. U
UYGUN: “We make a great contribution the EU”
TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun noted that as a country on the middle corridor of the east-west transportation axis, important projects have been implemented in recent years to increase the share of railway freight and passenger transport. Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line Project is of great importance within the scope of the expansion of railway transportation in our country.

Uygun said that 2003 has been invested in the amount of 126 billion Turkish lira since railways. N With these investments, we improve all of our conventional lines and make them electrified and signaled.

We are working to expand our 7 km high-speed and […] & D. ”

Uygun states that they have made a great contribution to the construction of high-speed and high-speed railway lines and the modernization of the existing lines the European Union as a candidate country, including construction and consultancy services; 56 million Euros in 136 km Köseköy-Gebze Line Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project, 415 million Euros in 188.3 km Rehabilitation and Signaling Project of 378 km and 152.7 km of Samsun-Kal railway under construction million euros the EU Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Funds.
“Financing From EU Grant Funds Will Reach 752 Million Euros”
Total 530 million Euro contract value to be signed Halkalı-Kumikule Railway Line 153 km Çerkezköy- Giving information that IPN grant fund of 275 million Euros will be used in the financing of Kapıkule sector, Uygun stated that with this project, the total amount of financing provided European Union grant funds to our country to date will reach to 752 million Euros.

TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun wished the Construction Contract to be auspicious and said, orum I would like to thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union officials and all those who contributed to the Ministry, who provided financial support for the realization of the railway projects that took the lead role in the development of […] After the speeches, Transport and Infrastructure Minister M. Cahit Turhan with the Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador Christian Berger’s testimony in the Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Director General Erdem Poles, European Union Economic and Social Development Department Vice President Kolin with Tibor Sztaricska Construction Board The contract was signed by its member Celal Koloğlu.


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