Stock Markets Maintain Bullishness as Mexico Avoids Tariffs

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Stock Markets Maintain Bullishness as Mexico Avoids Tariffs

[...] tariffs between the US and China. Commodity currencies did not benefit the Mexican led rally and underperformed mainly due to the steep declin

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[…] tariffs between the US and China.

Commodity currencies did not benefit the Mexican led rally and underperformed mainly due to the steep decline in Chinese imports. The trade war is driving concerns the Chinese will be buying less in the Q2 and that could keep the Aussie dollar and kiwi heavy.

Brexit – 10 candidates to become next Tory leader […] continues to unload ownership of Treasuries. Turkey now only holds roughly $2 billion of US government bonds and given the steep decline over the past year, investors will see the Turkish Central Bank possibly struggle to defend the lira over the next crisis or possibly make good over their currency obligations.

Many investors missed out on the precipitous fall on Treasury yields. In early May, the yield on the 10-year Treasury yield was around 2.50%, but now it is hovering around 2.15%, with many expecting for test of the 2.00% handle.