Central Bank keeps policy rate unchanged at 24% The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) decided to keep its one-week repo rate, also known as the policy rate, constant at 24%, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)… More

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Central Bank keeps policy rate unchanged at 24% The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) decided to keep its one-week repo rate, also known as the policy rate, constant at 24%, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)… More

X Close with photo without photo Turkey's Central Bank keeps policy rate unchanged at 24% The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) decided to

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X Close with photo without photo Turkey’s Central Bank keeps policy rate unchanged at 24% The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) decided to keep its one-week repo rate, also known as the policy rate, constant at 24%, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) announced Wednesday. “Recently released data shows that the rebalancing trend in the economy has continued,” the bank said. The CBRT vowed to continue to use all available instruments in pursuit of its price stability objective and will maintain a tight stance in monetary policy until the inflation outlook displays significant improvement. In 2018, the CBTR held nine MPC meetings, as interest rates climbed 8% to 24% over the course of the year. Last year, the current account balance […]